Start Here : Welcome!


I am super excited that you made the commitment to further your skills with the Postural Re-Alignment Method.

I have been teaching posture and massage techniques for the last 3 years. Applying this knowledge, has been transformative for my massage clients and my students. This course is a combination of concepts you already know (or should know) and the ways we can apply these techniques to massage therapy. I am hoping that when you finish this course you start immediately putting the information you learn into practice.

Let's dive in!

What to Expect From This Course


Each week you will learn a new posture, how to assess it, what muscles are involved and most importantly how to apply your knowledge to get more science-based massage results. At the end of each week, you will have a case study quiz. You are not obligated to do the quizzes, but the quizzes will help you review the information. If you take the quizzes, I will be reviewing your answers and email you with my thoughts.


Once you have a solid handle on the postures and the muscles involved, we will then move to videos of hands on assessments and massage techniques that will skyrocket your results.

Remember, this course is not the "end all, be all" of massage therapy. The Postural Re-alignment Methods can be used on their own or integrated into the massage. Once you are a student of this course you will have life-time access to this course to review it as many times as you need or just to use it as a reference.

PART III: Live Class

Once you have finished this online course, you will be invited to attend my live 3-day workshop in Boston,MA if you want to further your new skill-set and get an official certification in the techniques. In the live event, we will review the concepts and then focus on creating treatment plans and treating clients hands on.

That's it for today.

Stay tuned next week for your first posture.

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